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The Shift KAL — That's a wrap!

The Shift KAL — That's a wrap!

We wrapped up our Shift KAL last week. We had a lively final meet-up in the store  — lots of laughs, some special goodies, knitting, sewing up, and showing off our finished or in-progress Shifts!

And in our final Zoom meet-up, we caught up with everyone's progress and then viewed a slideshow of photos from our online (and some local) KAL participants. 
The Shift KAL was fast and fun, a great way to pass the month of March, and absolutely inspiring to see your color combinations unfold.

So what did we learn from our second KAL?  

The Shift can be tricky.
We learned that this was a harder project than we thought. Some folks picked up the slipstitch technique quickly, and for others it was more of a struggle. 
With this pattern we found that it's especially important to read your pattern and knitting at the same time. 

One of our participants, Robin, summed it up with a kayaking analogy. Just like knitting is like life, and knitting is like math, for Robin, knitting's also like kayaking. In sea kayaking, you're reading the nautical chart that's tucked in front of you on your bow, and you're also always reading the islands, buoys, and landmarks around you.

With the Shift, it isn't a pattern that has a lot of cruise control knitting — except for our beloved rows 3 and 4 — so you need to be in the right mindset to work with a pattern that requires your attention.

Our Zoom group rocked.
We had a really lively crew of Zoom knitters this time around, usually 16–20 per meeting. By the end, folks knew each other's names, and would come to the group to ask for opinions (and sometimes reassurance) on colors. We had fantastic conversations about knitting, patterns, and techniques in this group.

We also learned that you enjoy watching the recorded Zoom meet-ups! We heard a few of you say that you liked hanging out and knitting with us on the recording. 

The Shift Summary
This time around, we wanted to give you a single summary document with all of the Tuesday Tips for The Shift that came out via email, and links to The Shift blog posts and Youtube Playlist, all in one handy place.

So save this to your files or print it out to tuck away with your pattern. Or if you misplace it, you can come back here to the Goat blog to find it.

You can save The Shift Summary to reference later, if and when you make another one!

Eager for the next KAL? 

The Anker’s Summer Shirt by PetiteKnit has been voted in as the pattern for our next Knit Along, which will run from mid-April through May. Thanks to all of you who helped us decide! And if you’ve got a different spring/summer project you want to cast on, please consider joining us for the KAL — as we strive to include all who’d like to participate! Click here to sign up!

Happy making!

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